Remember the time you first discovered music? Think about it… and not the dorky songs we used to sing in grade school. When did you discover how cool music can be?
I was ten… and the sounds that made up those first memories were from Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles), Seventh Sojurn (The Moody Blues), and Killing Me Softly (Roberta Flack), all records my mother kept in her collection. I discovered the notion of lyrics two years later with Barry Manilow and quickly graduated to Kiss (or regressed, depending on your opinion). Destroyer was the first record album I bought with my lawn-mowing money and I wore the grooves clean off that vinyl. A lot has changed since then.
Those three guys you see me on the stage with… there aren’t many musicians made like them. Selfless, generous, dedicated, fun… all things I think of when we play music together. Yea, we play just cover tunes, lots of bands do that. There is a little trick for me and that music though… something that transcends beyond the lyrics, the syncopated beat, and the funky songs where I can’t quite seem to chew gum and play at the same time. Playing music is one of the few things I’ve ever done where the whole truly is greater than the sum of the parts. It’s magic… I can’t describe it in words and I’ve not found anything that mimics the feeling when it all comes together in a song. When the audience has fun too, that is the icing on the cake.