Patrick Pfeifer
Bass | Keys | Vocals
Born and raised in Northern California, I found the love of music very early on. I graduated from high school music and joined a rock band in college at the University of Idaho. Go Vandals! We gigged almost every weekend, those were the days. A pocket full of cash and no worries other than a midterms and finals. And probably a million gallons of beer that’s to my bros at the ATO house. Finally graduated and entered the wonderful world of self employment back in CA. I started a company with a fellow vandal and we are still in business over 2 decades later. Moved back to Boise in 2005, found some old band mates and started a new group. The Retreads.
I stay out of trouble now, especially with two young girls, two dogs and my wonderful wife. But music is again my passion and hobby, and I really enjoy performing and making others happy. It’s a different world and the escape is almost indefinable, not to mention completely stress reducing. I look forward to seeing you all in the clubs, and at the festivals and parties. Lets Rock!
Oh, and special thanks to not only my family, but also my neighbors for putting up with our load rehearsals every week. I guess the lawn chairs outside the garage is better than a letter from the HOA:)